Tried searching the forums but couldn't find anything close to my situation.
I have an application and hoping to get an ITA soon. My wife has dual citizenship, Bulgarian & Turkish. She has a Bulgarian passport but not a Turkish one. The problem is her name on Bulgarian passport is different from her name on Turkish National ID. Her date/place of birth info are same. In the application I wasn't able to add her second citizenship so I've just added one which is the Turkish one.
Should we get a Turkish passport also or just the national ID would be sufficient?
Do we have to prove that these two identities are the same? If yes, how?
Tried searching the forums but couldn't find anything close to my situation.
I have an application and hoping to get an ITA soon. My wife has dual citizenship, Bulgarian & Turkish. She has a Bulgarian passport but not a Turkish one. The problem is her name on Bulgarian passport is different from her name on Turkish National ID. Her date/place of birth info are same. In the application I wasn't able to add her second citizenship so I've just added one which is the Turkish one.
Should we get a Turkish passport also or just the national ID would be sufficient?
Do we have to prove that these two identities are the same? If yes, how?