- I have a fairly simple question. Right now I am working for an employer who just shut down their operations 2 months back and now I am working with them as a Remote Consultant. I got a new contract letter stating my roles and responsibilities and in the contract it's clearly mentioned that my director would be assigning tasks on a daily basis and I would be reporting to her for all the deliverables. However, I don't get any payslip because I send an invoice to them and they do a wire transfer.
Now, while filing for an express entry visa will my work experience will be considered for the crs score.
MY Contract Letter -
On behalf of XYZ, Inc., I am pleased to offer you a contract as a Digital Campaigns Consultant, to be based remotely XYZ, India. The tasks associated with this contract will be assigned by XXX(PERSON), who will manage your daily tasks and review deliverables associated with this contract This is a contract for a position with a 12-month initial term, eligible for renewal after the first 10 months. The company reserves the right to terminate the contract with 15 days notice at any time and any reason. XXX, Inc shall pay $XXX monthly for your services. The reporting, filing and payment of any and all associated income taxes in your home country is your responsibility. Your proposed start date is May 20, 2017. You are required to work closely with our U.S team., and thus be available 9 am to 5 pm, USA EST.
This contract, if not previously accepted by you, will expire seven days from the date of this letter, although additional time for consideration of the offer can be made available if you find it necessary. If you wish to accept the offer, please sign in the place provided below and return it to me within the prescribed time. We greatly look forward to having you work with our Marketing team. However, we recognize that you retain the option, as does XXX, Inc., of ending this contract with XXX, Inc. at any time, with or without notice and with or without cause. As such, your engagement with the Company is at-will and neither this letter nor any other oral or written representations may be considered a contract for any specific period of time. Should you have any questions about any of the content of this offer please do
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Thanks in advance