Hello there...just want to know if wedding pictures where needed if you are going to get married only with civil wedding?
ninakap30 said:ın my case we dıdnt ınclude nothıng ...we marrıed ın turkey.we just sıgned and wıth us were only 6 people...thats because my husbands mother had dıed 5 months ago ....but ın Turkey later u can make a receptıon wearıng a weddıng dress after even one or 2 years.........we had ın plan to make lıke thıs but my mother dıed...........so we dont have any photos...do u thınk thıs wıll be problem for them?
JessNess, you're right, for you it won't be any problem since you're American - US citizens don't get as scrutinized as other countries. so to answer your question, beb25, wedding photos are important, but it highly depends on where you are. for some countries, just a civil wedding is a huge red flag (India for example). a simple civil wedding is more accepted in the western part of the world. so in the end it really depends where you come from. which one is your visa office?JessNess said:No problem, like I said, mine was a civil wedding too. Just have someone at the courthouse take 2-3 pictures of you guys after the ceremony is finished. It won't be a big deal since you have ample proof that you're legit![]()
CutiePie92 said:JessNess, you're right, for you it won't be any problem since you're American - US citizens don't get as scrutinized as other countries. so to answer your question, beb25, wedding photos are important, but it
highly depends on where you are. for some countries, just a civil wedding is a huge red flag (India for example). a simple civil wedding is more accepted in the western part of the world. so in the end it really depends where you come from. which one is your visa office?
(eitherway, a relationship started in 2007 represents solid proof already.)
Like CutiePie92 said, it depends on your visa office. I'm not sure how strict Manilla is about accepting a civil ceremony as adequate. Only you can answer best how common are small weddings in Philippines. But if you do have a small civil ceremony with just a few pictures (and do take pictures, no matter how small), then the rest of your relationship proof has to be very strong to compensate.beb25 said:Philippines...we can proof lots of photos when.we're in relationship but im wondering if civil wedding is fine amd no much photos