Hi guys,
I was trying to thoroughly go through the sections mentioned by the case processing officer in my refusal letters and I found a "Section 11.2 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act", which leads to this page ( http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/I-2.5/page-6.html#h-9 ) , where it states about the dual intent.
I came to Canada as a student and completed my courses in time and have been approved for PGWP using which I gained the required legal work experience here. Now when my PGWP was about to expire, I applied for student visa which was approved and still valid till OCt of 2017. Now I have a doubt if being a student could effect and make a difference in the decision making process as my application was refused for 2 times till now?? Off course other reason mentioned by the officer, in written comments, are valid and true like the absence of continuous experience of 1 year for FSW category for my first application and absence of job description letter from my foreign employer in my second application. Please reply. Thanks ..!!
I was trying to thoroughly go through the sections mentioned by the case processing officer in my refusal letters and I found a "Section 11.2 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act", which leads to this page ( http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/I-2.5/page-6.html#h-9 ) , where it states about the dual intent.
I came to Canada as a student and completed my courses in time and have been approved for PGWP using which I gained the required legal work experience here. Now when my PGWP was about to expire, I applied for student visa which was approved and still valid till OCt of 2017. Now I have a doubt if being a student could effect and make a difference in the decision making process as my application was refused for 2 times till now?? Off course other reason mentioned by the officer, in written comments, are valid and true like the absence of continuous experience of 1 year for FSW category for my first application and absence of job description letter from my foreign employer in my second application. Please reply. Thanks ..!!