ok that means how many file sections are there work exp +education
+ POF am i rite is there any other section.also after filling form before submitting will we see this document section?
another thing is should we upload documents in one go?
You will get many sections and documents to upload according to what information you have provided them. It is called a PERSONALIZED CHECKLIST. The documents below are the basic documents that you will have to upload:
Passports/Travel Documents (Multiple) (required) instructions
Upload file
Marriage License/Certificate (required) instructions
Upload file
Proof of medical exam (required) instructions
Upload file
Education (diplomas/degrees) (required) instructions
Upload file
Employment Records 1 (required) instructions
Upload file
Employment Records 2 (required) instructions Upload file ( If you have worked with more than one company)
Police Certificates (Multiple) (required) instructions U
pload file
Proof of Means of Financial Support (required) instructions
Upload file
Digital photo (required) instructions
Upload file
Letter of Explanation (optional) instructions
Upload file
You see that upload file, clicking that in your list will take you to the upload file section. You don't have to complete it in one go. You upload as many documents as you want, save and close. Come back again to upload rest.
GLuck !