piyush1985 said:
thanks for your valuable reply. as i said am waiting for my AOR, so after getting an AOR i have to submit my IELTS score or they gonna explicitly ask me for the score ? is it ok if i get the date of IELTS once i get my AOR ?>
if ur application reached before 26June 2010, how u hav calculated ur points? how did u define ur language points without the IELTS.
well, in most of the case IELTS result is not required for pre-26 june 2010 applicants. U may take IELTS after ur 1st AOR comes, but at the same time, all the supporting doc. are supposed to be sent to visa office within 120 days. For that, u have to make sure u will be able to take the IELTS, n sent the result card with full documents.
IELTS registration is sometimes fulfilled, so might have to wait for another month, n result is be given on 13th day of the main exam, so that might be proven smtimes risky.
[ BUT if u r post 26June 2010 applicant, the IELTS is mandatory. If u havn't sent it, then ur applicantion will be returned.]