You need the highest education to be evaluated, thats it. This is specifically mentioned in the section asking you if you have a Canadian degree on EE profile. click on the question mark for more info and it tells you they need the highest. stop giving wrong info to others.
Good luck.
First of all, check all the websites and links associated with this whole Express Entry process - CIC guidelines, WES country specific document checklist, and the criteria for CRS scoring, before believing anybody.
- CIC Guidlines clearly mention that you have to get your Post-secondary education assessed (One might just construe that it is our highest degree)
- In WES, select your country, am talking about India, and it clearly mentions, in Documents required, that if you want to claim points for your highest degree, you must get ALL post-secondary degrees assessed as well.
- Lastly, and most importantly, check out all the CRS criteria and calculators and all the stuff on the internet... In SKILLS TRANSFERABILITY, to get 50 points in IELTS + Education, they ask for two or more post-secondary degrees.
What will you do in that case...??... Yes, you can just get your MBA assessed, but what about getting BE or BCom assessed..??... In CIC's eyes, you just have ONE post-secondary degree, hence, you lose major points in Skills Transferability, especially if you've worked hard to get CLB 9 and above in each section....
And, what is the harm.. they are not going to charge less for a single degree...
Many people are giving false information on these forums, am just trying to lay the facts down... Do research, if you don't believe me...