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divorce from previous marriage


Jul 26, 2017
I want to sponsor my soon to be wife to Canada. I was previously married in Pakistan for a few days and things did not work out and I came back to Canada and applied for a talaq/divorce in Pakistan. After 90 days of application, union council issued final NADRA divorce certificate.
The CIC website says "
Divorces obtained in Pakistan: If a divorce has been obtained in Pakistan by a sponsor residing in Canada, submit evidence that either party of the divorce resided in Pakistan for at least one year prior to the divorce. Alternatively, you may submit evidence that either party to the divorce had a substantial connection to Pakistan such as frequent visits, property ownership, and/or active businesses in Pakistan. "

The question is ... I was living in Canada, and I have no proof of residency of former spouse, she probably went to some other country. But I can prove that I have substantial connection to Pakistan, because most of my family is in Pakistan, I travel once a year to Pakistan and have family house in Pakistan, and I have Pakistani citizenship since birth. Anyone had a similar experience, please help, I am feeling confused.
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