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Diploma after graduation???


Sep 2, 2014

I am planning to go to canada on study basis and intend to settle down there. As, of now manitoba is my place of choice due to its easier pr rules. However, I am unable to find any post graduation diplomas in manitoba. I am B.Tech. in Mech. engg. 2014 batch. I am not interested in masters as of now.

I want to know that will doing a simple diploma(2yr) act as downgrade in my profile or not. If not kindly suggest some courses.

Also, if this acts as a downgrade what should i do.

Also, I can opt for saskatchewan also , it is 2nd on my list. do there will i get any pg diplomas of 2 yr length related to my field.

Or, should I do pg diploma courses related to my field from outside manitoba or saskatchewan , like from conestoga,centennial,GBC and then move to manitoba or saskatchewan for pr. Is it wise???


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Jun 26, 2014
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singh2486 said:

I am planning to go to canada on study basis and intend to settle down there. As, of now manitoba is my place of choice due to its easier pr rules. However, I am unable to find any post graduation diplomas in manitoba. I am B.Tech. in Mech. engg. 2014 batch. I am not interested in masters as of now.

I want to know that will doing a simple diploma(2yr) act as downgrade in my profile or not. If not kindly suggest some courses.

Also, if this acts as a downgrade what should i do.

Also, I can opt for saskatchewan also , it is 2nd on my list. do there will i get any pg diplomas of 2 yr length related to my field.

Or, should I do pg diploma courses related to my field from outside manitoba or saskatchewan , like from conestoga,centennial,GBC and then move to manitoba or saskatchewan for pr. Is it wise???
You can do two things..
1. Either go for a post graduation diploma of ur field into any other region other than the one u mentioned or
2. Choose any simple diploma program of ur field but be ready for a strong SOP discussing why have u chosen this course, region and college. What are ur future plans and show them that u will return india after completing ur studies..only by this way u can assure ur VISA...rest all depends on ur profile ; VO , and on Your Luck..!
Hope it Helps..!
God Bless us ALL..!! JMD :)