This is simply not true.
Here is a link to the official application guide from 2014:
Due to it being replaced by the EE process in 2015, it is no longer online. Using the wayback machine, here is the application guide in its version from September 2014:
"Factor 3: Work experience (maximum of 15 points)
You will receive points for the number of years of full-time paid work (or the equivalent in part-time paid work) you have obtained within the last ten years. Full-time means at least 30 hours of paid work in one week.
You must have at least one year of continuous full-time, paid work experience (or the equivalent in continuous part-time work) in the primary occupation you specify in your application.
In order to receive points for all of the jobs you have had over the past ten years, your work experience must be in one or more occupations listed in Skill Type 0, Skill Level A or B of NOC 2011. Follow the Determining your NOC category instructions above to find the NOC 2011 category that matches your skilled work experience over the past ten years."
It doesn't get much clearer than that. I have not found any evidence on CIC's website that this has changed.