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Details to include in a Citizenship Application

Jun 9, 2013
I am within days of filing my Citizenship application and would appreciate any input on the following two questions:

1. Is it best to simply submit the minimum supporting documents, as listed in the check list, or can it help speed up (or might it even slow down) the process by voluntarily submitting additional documentation (such as tax returns, etc)?

2. I orginally entered Canada thirty years ago on a work permit, staying then only twelve months. I re-entered Canada twenty five years ago as a Landed Immigrant but left after two years (in both cases I was relocated by my employer). I re-applied for Immigration ten years ago (2004) and become "Landed" for a second time in 2008 (having voluntarily renounced my earlier LI status, as part of the application process). I have now been living continuously in Canada since 2010 (apart from some short business and vacation trips) which is why I am now able to satisfy the 1,095 days in a 1,460 day test and file my application for Citizenship (it has only taken thirty years!). My question is - what date should i enter on the application form as having entered Canada? Are my two prior stays in Canada either irrelevant or too long ago, for this purpose?

All suggestions much appreciated, HonoraryCarioca


Hero Member
Feb 15, 2011
Montreal, QC
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Well, it's a personal choice. If I was in you situation I would put the date I became a Permanent Resident in 2008. I have a relative who was in a similar situation. She lived in Canada for two years (from 1980 to 1982) as an international student. She became a Landed Immigrant in 1989 but left after 2 years. She applied for Reassessment of PR status and was granted a new PR Card in 2007 to start living continuously here (Québec) since 2009. On her citizenship application she did put 2007 as the other events were, 'chronologically' speaking, too far behind. The interview agent didn't have any concern and she got her oath date last month. After 19 month (end to end process).

Hope this helps.


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Jan 2, 2012
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1. I don't know if additional documentation can speed up the process of not. If I were to guess, I would say it probably won't change the officer's mind/decision one way or the other once they make a determination. That is, if they are not satisfied (from looking at passports, entry/exit records, etc) you have at least 1095 days, it does not matter whatesle you submitted, you will likely get RQ. If they are satisfied you meet requirements, your other documents are just more of 'extra' stuff. This is just my guess, not fact.

In my case, for work records, I submitted T4s for the 4 year period, letter of employment, job description/duties(to show that I have to be physically present to do the job), most recent payslip. I also included copies of my boarding passes(two trips).

2. Sorry, I don't know the answer for the second question. But you can include a cover letter to clarify.