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Desperate to know...


Jun 16, 2010
Hi people.

Here's my situation. In 2004 i went to Canada on a Bunac Student Visa to work and travel for a year.
Then, in 2007 i applied for the Non Student Visa. HOWEVER. My life took a turn and I began to ignore the process - i decided not to go to Canada but instead of TELLING Bunac, I just ignored their emails.

I can't remember what stage of the application i got to. I can't remember if i recieved a VISA.

I certainly didn't USE one.

I have no records anywhere of the stage i got to with the application process...

I really want to go to Canada again now on a Non-Student visa but have no idea whether i will be allowed one - as i may have already 'had my chance' before. Bunac non-student visas are a once in a lifetime offer.

Can anybody tell me if they know anything about my situation??
I have called Bunac but they can't help me.
