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Oct 13, 2011
Hi, i have a few different questions if anyone could provide some advice or knowlage of any of them id very much appreciate it.

I live in canada, i have for 14 years now, moved here when i was bout 10 years old. i had permanent Residency but i have have been ordered to be deported for 9 months now. they can not send me cause the country isnt accepting me cause they believe i should be a canadian citizen. I have a fiance and we have a child due in 5 months.

Question 1. since i havent been deported(for criminality) yet but have a deportation order if we get married now will that do anything for my deportation, we dont wanna get married till after our new born but could before (fiance is a canadian citizen). ? ? ?

Question 2. fiance has a 2 year old with someone else, there is a court order in place that im not allowed around her 2 year old because the father wanted it and they granted it because of my criminal charges but they were dropped and now they are not allowing me around her cause i have a deportation order. They say its not fair if im introduced to her and then deported and takin away from her but they dont get that she knows who i am and talks to me on the phone. Can they do that just because i have an outstanding deportation order. ? ? ?

Question 3. Is my cbsa officer allowed to share information bout me or bout my deportation with the father of my fiances daughter and his family lawyer. There must be some kind of privacy act violation that there able to call and ask info bout me and the cbsa officer give it to them to use against me in family court. Relistically any lawyer i obtain has to get a signed affidavid that ive given him permission to obtain any information bout me so why is it they can call and get information on me without any consent from me. ? ? ? i think the cbsa officer shouldnt be allowed but probably is because he wants to ruin my life and will do anything to.

I would really appreciate some feedback as i dont know hwat to do and what to think. i just wanna be home with my fiance and her daughter i treat as my own and be a family together for when the newborn arrives and the daughter be there to welcome her new sibling and of course get this citizenship issue sorted out so we can go on with ourlives.


VIP Member
Jun 30, 2005

14yearsincanada said:
Hi, i have a few different questions if anyone could provide some advice or knowlage of any of them id very much appreciate it.

I live in canada, i have for 14 years now, moved here when i was bout 10 years old. i had permanent Residency but i have have been ordered to be deported for 9 months now. they can not send me cause the country isnt accepting me cause they believe i should be a canadian citizen. I have a fiance and we have a child due in 5 months.

Question 1. since i havent been deported(for criminality) yet but have a deportation order if we get married now will that do anything for my deportation, we dont wanna get married till after our new born but could before (fiance is a canadian citizen). ? ? ?

Question 2. fiance has a 2 year old with someone else, there is a court order in place that im not allowed around her 2 year old because the father wanted it and they granted it because of my criminal charges but they were dropped and now they are not allowing me around her cause i have a deportation order. They say its not fair if im introduced to her and then deported and takin away from her but they dont get that she knows who i am and talks to me on the phone. Can they do that just because i have an outstanding deportation order. ? ? ?

Question 3. Is my cbsa officer allowed to share information bout me or bout my deportation with the father of my fiances daughter and his family lawyer. There must be some kind of privacy act violation that there able to call and ask info bout me and the cbsa officer give it to them to use against me in family court. Relistically any lawyer i obtain has to get a signed affidavid that ive given him permission to obtain any information bout me so why is it they can call and get information on me without any consent from me. ? ? ? i think the cbsa officer shouldnt be allowed but probably is because he wants to ruin my life and will do anything to.

I would really appreciate some feedback as i dont know hwat to do and what to think. i just wanna be home with my fiance and her daughter i treat as my own and be a family together for when the newborn arrives and the daughter be there to welcome her new sibling and of course get this citizenship issue sorted out so we can go on with ourlives.
1. Nope, you will still be under a deportation order and CBSA will keep trying to execute it.
2. That is for the courts to decide.
3. Your hearing is public information as they are open to the public and the hearing details (appeal) are posted on line.


Hero Member
Sep 16, 2010
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
22/03/2011 Receivd CPC-M
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
06/05/2011 Received in Buffalo, 06/2011 to Los Angeles
Med's Done....
waived...obviously cuz we got the PPR
Passport Req..
24/8/2011 in our hands 8/29/2011
14yearsincanada said:
Hi, i have a few different questions if anyone could provide some advice or knowlage of any of them id very much appreciate it.

I live in canada, i have for 14 years now, moved here when i was bout 10 years old. i had permanent Residency but i have have been ordered to be deported for 9 months now. they can not send me cause the country isnt accepting me cause they believe i should be a canadian citizen. I have a fiance and we have a child due in 5 months.

Question 1. since i havent been deported(for criminality) yet but have a deportation order if we get married now will that do anything for my deportation, we dont wanna get married till after our new born but could before (fiance is a canadian citizen). ? ? ?

Question 2. fiance has a 2 year old with someone else, there is a court order in place that im not allowed around her 2 year old because the father wanted it and they granted it because of my criminal charges but they were dropped and now they are not allowing me around her cause i have a deportation order. They say its not fair if im introduced to her and then deported and takin away from her but they dont get that she knows who i am and talks to me on the phone. Can they do that just because i have an outstanding deportation order. ? ? ?

Question 3. Is my cbsa officer allowed to share information bout me or bout my deportation with the father of my fiances daughter and his family lawyer. There must be some kind of privacy act violation that there able to call and ask info bout me and the cbsa officer give it to them to use against me in family court. Relistically any lawyer i obtain has to get a signed affidavid that ive given him permission to obtain any information bout me so why is it they can call and get information on me without any consent from me. ? ? ? i think the cbsa officer shouldnt be allowed but probably is because he wants to ruin my life and will do anything to.

I would really appreciate some feedback as i dont know hwat to do and what to think. i just wanna be home with my fiance and her daughter i treat as my own and be a family together for when the newborn arrives and the daughter be there to welcome her new sibling and of course get this citizenship issue sorted out so we can go on with ourlives.
Just wondering if you have been here for 14 years, why is it now that there is a deportation order? Is this based on criminal issues?? As for the visitation issue, no offence but as a parent I kind of have to agree with the courts on this one. Its pretty much the same situation as my ex is doing to my kids, having a new girlfriend more often than he changes his underwear most times...he brings them into the kids lives, and then they are gone. From the experience with my kids it is really emotionally harming to the kids. If and when you get the stay on the deportation order, then hopefully you will get to visit.

I would recommend seeking legal counsel or consultant that specializes in immigration issues to assist you with the deportation issue. I have inboxed you, if you can please respond


Jan 24, 2025

1. Nope, you will still be under a deportation order and CBSA will keep trying to execute it.
2. That is for the courts to decide.
3. Your hearing is public information as they are open to the public and the hearing details (appeal) are posted on line.