Hi! Im a fresh dental graduate who’s currently doing thier one year residency.
I really want to apply for immigrantion through express entry! Can anybody please guide me?
Few really important question from my side is will i be able to get in Canada without giving my NBDE? How much time will this process take? If i apply for EE will i be able to complete my post grad program here in Pakistan and will this affect my immigration?
And also im planning to do Masters in epidemiology from my homeland which is a 2-3 year old program
I really want to apply for immigrantion through express entry! Can anybody please guide me?
Few really important question from my side is will i be able to get in Canada without giving my NBDE? How much time will this process take? If i apply for EE will i be able to complete my post grad program here in Pakistan and will this affect my immigration?
And also im planning to do Masters in epidemiology from my homeland which is a 2-3 year old program