hello Juan74, I just got my RPRF request, Biodata and request of police Clearance from Mexico.
My question for you is, did you provide only the PGR "Constancia de Antecedentes Registrales" as indicate in the CIC website?
or the police clearance also from your state?
"Certificate from Procuraduría General de la República (PGR)
Depending on your situation, the PGR issues two kinds of certificates:
If you live in Mexico
The certificate you need is called the Constancia de Antecedentes Registrales.
While your application is being processed, the Canadian Embassy in Mexico City will give you instructions to obtain the Constancia de Antecedentes Registrales.
If you live outside Mexico
The certificate you will need is called the Informe de datos registrales. You must follow specific instructions to get this form."