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COPR + Vehicle Crossing Query

Jan 26, 2025
Hi everyone, apologies for this long post.

I think I’m looking at answers from a few pages on here so thought id try to just get the best answer or suggestion from your fine selves.

Firstly, I know this issue is caused by myself but any suggestions or answers is greatly appreciated.

I am from the UK and have just received my COPR. Now the issues I have are below:

1. I was looking at going to Canada in February with my wife (soft landing) - activate my COPR, open bank, SIN card, organise an apartment etc before returning to the UK 10 days later to round UK side of things up.

2. I was then looking at leaving the UK start of March (for good).

Am I right in thinking, I cannot do this by returning by air (as I would need to get a PRTD) - problem being time between my flights is like 10 days (so not long enough to apply for PRTD).

Therefore, I would have to fly to the USA and then enter Canada by land - as I would only need signed COPR/Passport/SIN etc etc????

If this is the case and the best way to get around the issues, how do you suggest I do this?

For clarity, I’m moving to Edmonton, Alberta and my wife (and dog) have booked flights to New Jersey, so the plan was always to drive from NJ to Edmonton (crazy and long, yes I know) but the only way to do it for the dog at the moment.

Do you suggest, renting a vehicle in NJ and driving to Buffalo/Niagara border (dropping off rental car), enter via foot/taxi into Canada and then rent a vehicle in Niagara and then drive to Edmonton??

Im guessing its impossible to rent a car in NJ (USA) and drop off in Edmonton (Canada).


Do you suggest, renting a vehicle in NJ and driving to closer to like North Dakota and then doing the same, dropping car off and walking over border - or is this simply impossible?

Apologies, I know there’s a lot there but I’ve already messed a lot of things up by stupidity and lack of understanding.

Any help is greatly appreciated people., thank you for your time.



VIP Member
Jun 18, 2017
Hi everyone, apologies for this long post.

I think I’m looking at answers from a few pages on here so thought id try to just get the best answer or suggestion from your fine selves.

Firstly, I know this issue is caused by myself but any suggestions or answers is greatly appreciated.

I am from the UK and have just received my COPR. Now the issues I have are below:

1. I was looking at going to Canada in February with my wife (soft landing) - activate my COPR, open bank, SIN card, organise an apartment etc before returning to the UK 10 days later to round UK side of things up.

2. I was then looking at leaving the UK start of March (for good).

Am I right in thinking, I cannot do this by returning by air (as I would need to get a PRTD) - problem being time between my flights is like 10 days (so not long enough to apply for PRTD).

Therefore, I would have to fly to the USA and then enter Canada by land - as I would only need signed COPR/Passport/SIN etc etc????

If this is the case and the best way to get around the issues, how do you suggest I do this?

For clarity, I’m moving to Edmonton, Alberta and my wife (and dog) have booked flights to New Jersey, so the plan was always to drive from NJ to Edmonton (crazy and long, yes I know) but the only way to do it for the dog at the moment.

Do you suggest, renting a vehicle in NJ and driving to Buffalo/Niagara border (dropping off rental car), enter via foot/taxi into Canada and then rent a vehicle in Niagara and then drive to Edmonton??

Im guessing its impossible to rent a car in NJ (USA) and drop off in Edmonton (Canada).


Do you suggest, renting a vehicle in NJ and driving to closer to like North Dakota and then doing the same, dropping car off and walking over border - or is this simply impossible?

Apologies, I know there’s a lot there but I’ve already messed a lot of things up by stupidity and lack of understanding.

Any help is greatly appreciated people., thank you for your time.

Much better off driving through the US. You’ll need to look at the prairie borders and car rental options more carefully
Last edited:
Jan 26, 2025
Much better off driving through the US. You’ll need to look at the prairie borders and car rental options more carefully
Hi Canuck78

thanks very much for the reply.

I agree the driving through US would be a lot better however, I'm unsure whether I could do almost the above, rent car in NJ, drive to Buffalo, get a taxi to Niagara, then rent a car in Niagara and reenter USA, drive through the USA and then reenter Canada (somewhere around Emerson, MB. Or do you think this is the best way to do it?

Not 100% sure what you mean about Prairie borders?

Really do appreciate you replying, I feel like its a bit of a minefield for me right now.

Best thing would be to drive from NJ to a border closer to AB but I'm not sure its possible with a rental car etc.
Jan 26, 2025
Call a rental company and ask. You're not going to get the best rates. May make more sense to fly on to western airports and try there.
Thanks for the reply.

I can’t actually fly again within USA (dog problems) hence why it’s flew UK to NJ only (only flight available) however, thank you for the suggestion.

I guess what I’m more so asking really is…

ore centred around the COPR side of things as opposed to the actual logistics of where I drive etc.

I guess what I’m asking here more so, is can I enter Canada via USA with COPR and Passport by way of vehicle?

And then if so, can I exit Canada to USA by vehicle and then reenter Canada from USA by vehicle again, again with COPR and Passport only??

I guess in simplicity, multiple entries and exits with just COPR and Passport via USA/Canada by vehicle - is it allowed?



VIP Member
Feb 1, 2015
As far as Canada is concerned, the copr and passport are fine, as many times as you like. They must let you in as long as they can determine you are you and you are a PR. It may go easier if you explain you recently landed, and had to go back for whatever, and now just driving out to BC .

The dog and car rental issues I have no idea about.


VIP Member
Jun 18, 2017
You really need to ask rental agencies and look where they are located. Many are not close to the borders. You are also doing one way driving which gets very expensive. If moving to Edmonton assume you may be considering buying a car. Had you considered buying a car for all or part of your travels? Between cost of rental, assume extra mileage and one way travel it may be a better deal to buy a car in Eastern US or Canada and then drive it out to Edmonton. That comes with another set of complications and concerns but I also don’t think you realize how expensive what you are suggesting might become.
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