Hello, I'm currently preparing the application to sponsor my common-law partner. On the IMM1344 application form, question 8 asks:
"Provide the date on which you were married or entered into the common-law relationship."
I'm a bit unsure of the date because my partner moved into my apartment in May 22, 2020. However, we didn't open a joint bank account nor added him to the lease and utilities until July 25, 2020. I guess my question is:
1. ) Should I put May 22, 2021 as the date we entered common-law? The only proof we have is a notarized letter from his uncle confirming he moved out on that date (my partner lived with his uncle prior to moving in with me) and bank statements that shows my partner sent money to me for rent.
Should I put July 25, 2021 as the date we entered common-law? We have lots of proof that shows both of our names at the same address (lease agreement, bank statements, utilities, mail packages, letters from the government, etc.)
Thanks in advance!
"Provide the date on which you were married or entered into the common-law relationship."
I'm a bit unsure of the date because my partner moved into my apartment in May 22, 2020. However, we didn't open a joint bank account nor added him to the lease and utilities until July 25, 2020. I guess my question is:
1. ) Should I put May 22, 2021 as the date we entered common-law? The only proof we have is a notarized letter from his uncle confirming he moved out on that date (my partner lived with his uncle prior to moving in with me) and bank statements that shows my partner sent money to me for rent.
Should I put July 25, 2021 as the date we entered common-law? We have lots of proof that shows both of our names at the same address (lease agreement, bank statements, utilities, mail packages, letters from the government, etc.)
Thanks in advance!