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Common Law Help needed please :(

Aug 28, 2009
Hello All

Ok so here is my situation I met my girlfriend over a year ago and have been travelling every few months to stay with her in Quebec we now feel our relationship and I as a UK Native are ready for the big move and we are trying the immigration process so I can live with her on a permant basis instead of every couple of months etc. we look at various ways to go about it and correct me if I'm wrong common law sponsorship seems the best option and the way to go? But for this to work we need to have lived together for 12months. Unfortunlty she cannot cause of her studies and finances cannot spend a long time over in the UK with me so means I need to live in Canada for 12months. This is not a problem as I love Canada and Quebec so much BUT from the research I and my partner have done over the last few weeks I cannot see an option that will enable me to get correct permits etc for example I seem not to be able to get a work permit in Quebec due to the selection certificates and at this stage I'm unsure if I'd have enough to do a student visa I found the Quebec Website a little bit hard to understand when it came to how much you overall you need i.e. Tuition fees ,Transportation costs, Settling-in expenses for the first year Living expenses for the duration of your stay, Health and hospitalization insurance for the duration of your studies. Here is the page I'm looking at to try estimate how many dollars I will need http://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/en/immigrate-settle/students/obtaining-authorizations/requirements/financial-capacity.html And it gives a figure of $11000 and states underneath without tuition fees so if anyone knows approx how much you would have to have to be able for a student permit would be really helpful.

Also is there other ways like a Temp visa so i can just live how long do these last 6months? and if so how would i go about makin it the full 12months

So any advice on what we should do would be appreciated

Ty very Much kind people


Hero Member
Sep 12, 2009
Job Offer........
Many UK citizens on here and other forums I see them doing it this way.

Your best bet if you don't want to marry is to get a working holiday visa.
Look at this website for all the information: http://www.bunac.org/

Hope that is of some help to you.


Hero Member
Sep 15, 2008
Visa Office......
Vegreville / London UK
App. Filed.......
If she lives near to the border of Ontario, could you both set up home there instead of Quebec? Ontario is a lot easier to get established in (IMHO).

ColorMePanda is correct, Bunac would be one way to establish yourself for a year and be able to qualify for common law, however, you will have to be in the age range required and wait until the next "batch" is processed, see here: http://www.bunac.org/uk/workcanada/

Work Authorisation Applications can be submitted to the Canadian High Commission starting in January 2010. The first Work Authorisations should be issued by the High Commission in February. The latest you can enter Canada is the 31st of January, 2011, or earlier if your Work Authorisation is approved in January 2010.

The High Commission must approve your Work Authorisation before you are 30 but you can enter Canada after you have turned 31.