Need a clarification:
Form: CIT0003
Section 6:
6A - Write the date when you became a PR - This date will correspond to the COPR date. Example: 2009-01-01
[Then I went out of Canada immediately for Job. Returned later and established residence (Job and Tax purpose)] - Return date Example: 2011-01-01
6B - Write the date when you first came to Canada to live. Does this correspond to: 2011-01-01 [as above]?
Need a clarification:
Form: CIT0003
Section 6:
6A - Write the date when you became a PR - This date will correspond to the COPR date. Example: 2009-01-01
[Then I went out of Canada immediately for Job. Returned later and established residence (Job and Tax purpose)] - Return date Example: 2011-01-01
6B - Write the date when you first came to Canada to live. Does this correspond to: 2011-01-01 [as above]?