Table 3‑6 presents information on the number of study permits received and processed in visa offices abroad by year, as well as overall refusal rates and processing times (passed + failed) within 28 days. [Note 103] Visa office intake of study permit applications increased by 21% over the reporting period.
Table 3-6: Operational statistics for study permits (cases) processed abroad by year Status
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Intake 87,346 83,123 85,363 90,577 95,293 105,780
Passed 64,064 60,794 63,068 67,959 71,185 78,970
Failed 22,163 18,467 20,043 20,224 20,856 22,482
Withdrawn 2,926 2,239 2,154 2,854 5,306 2,257
Refusal rate 26% 23% 24% 23% 23% 22%
% Processed in or under 28 days 69% 72% 75% 76% 71% 65%
Total processed (passed + failed) 86,227 79,261 83,111 88,183 92,041 101,452
Although refusal rates have remained fairly stable over the reporting period (ranging from 22 to 26%), there was a notable decrease between 2006 and 2008 in the percentage of applications finalized within 28 days. A review of departmental documents indicates that the same resources are used for processing both permanent and temporary resident streams. As a result, increased demand in one stream can put pressure on the other. [Note 104] The rising backlog in the permanent resident stream during this period, coupled with the increasing intake of study permit applications (by 17%), may in part have been responsible for this decline.
CIC administrative data show that there is considerable variability in intake, processing times and refusal rates across visa offices (see Table 3‑7). In 2008, the percentage of applications finalized within 28 days was considerably lower and the refusal rate considerably higher for Africa and the Middle East relative to these rates for other regions and across all visa offices.
Table 3-6: Operational statistics for study permits (cases) processed abroad by year Status
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Intake 87,346 83,123 85,363 90,577 95,293 105,780
Passed 64,064 60,794 63,068 67,959 71,185 78,970
Failed 22,163 18,467 20,043 20,224 20,856 22,482
Withdrawn 2,926 2,239 2,154 2,854 5,306 2,257
Refusal rate 26% 23% 24% 23% 23% 22%
% Processed in or under 28 days 69% 72% 75% 76% 71% 65%
Total processed (passed + failed) 86,227 79,261 83,111 88,183 92,041 101,452
Although refusal rates have remained fairly stable over the reporting period (ranging from 22 to 26%), there was a notable decrease between 2006 and 2008 in the percentage of applications finalized within 28 days. A review of departmental documents indicates that the same resources are used for processing both permanent and temporary resident streams. As a result, increased demand in one stream can put pressure on the other. [Note 104] The rising backlog in the permanent resident stream during this period, coupled with the increasing intake of study permit applications (by 17%), may in part have been responsible for this decline.
CIC administrative data show that there is considerable variability in intake, processing times and refusal rates across visa offices (see Table 3‑7). In 2008, the percentage of applications finalized within 28 days was considerably lower and the refusal rate considerably higher for Africa and the Middle East relative to these rates for other regions and across all visa offices.