TL;DR: in a family application, does it matter who (me or my partner) logs in, and what "identification type" number (client id, etc) is used to log in? Is there a preferred "identification type"?
Can any applicant in a family application access (his/her) eCas? Are all the options in the "identification type" drop box equivalent (when they update it by ClientID, do they also update it by receipt number, etc)?
I tried to access eCas, to no avail. I suppose it is because:
*) Not ready yet (most likely).
*) I'm using the "wrong" identification type (e.g., could they have updated it with my clientID but not with the receipt number?)
*) I'm checking the "wrong" person (e.g., they updated my partner's application but not mine)
*) They typed some information wrong on e-cas (e.g., my last name is fairly complicated, typos are common)
So far, we are left with trying all identification types for both of us and failing every time, thereby assuming the "not ready yet" reason. I seem to recall that for our PR application, logging in with the "immigration file #" worked rather quickly, but the "client id" didn't until much later. So I fear I may miss important information if I only try one option...
Can any applicant in a family application access (his/her) eCas? Are all the options in the "identification type" drop box equivalent (when they update it by ClientID, do they also update it by receipt number, etc)?
I tried to access eCas, to no avail. I suppose it is because:
*) Not ready yet (most likely).
*) I'm using the "wrong" identification type (e.g., could they have updated it with my clientID but not with the receipt number?)
*) I'm checking the "wrong" person (e.g., they updated my partner's application but not mine)
*) They typed some information wrong on e-cas (e.g., my last name is fairly complicated, typos are common)
So far, we are left with trying all identification types for both of us and failing every time, thereby assuming the "not ready yet" reason. I seem to recall that for our PR application, logging in with the "immigration file #" worked rather quickly, but the "client id" didn't until much later. So I fear I may miss important information if I only try one option...