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Change of College Intake Dates

Niharika Kaur

Apr 10, 2016
Hi There..
A friend of mine from India had visited Canada with her family in 2015.. In JULY' 2016 she got her student visa for VCC College in Vancouver , that visa is valid untill Oct' 2017.. the intake she opted for was Sept' 2016. but due to some reasons she couldnt fly and got her admission deffered to Sept' 2017, she has the letter from the college confirming her admission for Sept'2017..

As mentioned earlier the student visa on her passport and the letter from the canadian embassy states that the student visa is valid untill Oct 2017. She spoke to a few visa counsellors in India they said since the intake had been deferred by almost a year she needs to reapply for a new visa..

Can someone help if this is true ?? and lastly shes planning to get an OWP for her Husband.. is that really difficult even though they've been travelling USA and Canada in the last couple of years. ??
