we got a baby boy born on July 13th and in order to get passport for him my wife has to change the marital status in the passport.
Once its done her passport number, surname will be changed to the husband name instead of fathers name which is there while applying.
We got our medicals to be submitted before Oct 23 2014. . we applied under cec on feb 2014.
In case of surname change Please suggest me what to do and also let me know the procedures for appending my newborn baby application also.
we got a baby boy born on July 13th and in order to get passport for him my wife has to change the marital status in the passport.
Once its done her passport number, surname will be changed to the husband name instead of fathers name which is there while applying.
We got our medicals to be submitted before Oct 23 2014. . we applied under cec on feb 2014.
In case of surname change Please suggest me what to do and also let me know the procedures for appending my newborn baby application also.