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Change from CEC to PNP


Feb 17, 2015
I have my application in EE under CEC. My work permit expires in March. Will I loose the points for that on the date of its expiry?
My employers are planning to apply for LMIA. There are concerns about that process not working. In that situation will I be able to apply for PNP in the same province if my empolyers support my application? Any advice highly appreciated?


Star Member
Feb 8, 2015
Job Offer........
First, your EE profile will remain same even after your WP expires in March.

Once after your WP expires and you don't have an LMO you have to stop working or leave Canada. But you can apply PR in EE if you receive Invitation.

All they(CIC) want is one year of Full time permanent work experience to be eligible under CEC. No matter you are in Canada working or not.

I hope you will get and LMIA. ;D

You can also apply for PNP, if you are eligible in your province.


Feb 17, 2015
Dear Rakikira
Are you sure that 600 points which I had for LMO will remain after its expiry. My total score was 797. My main worry is that after the expiry of LMO my score will drop although I will remain in the pool.
In any case it is a possibility that I will get a LMIA.