Everything seems okay with your profile. even IELTS is good to go. However, a good IELTS score anything above 7 is always good as mentioned by another participant as 6.5 only meets the requirement (if you scored 6.5 over all with no band less than 6). Now talking about college, really not a bad college, however, you might wana think about the program. Not saying this program doesn't fetch jobs, but there are plenty of colleges/uni offering the same course and there are plenty of students of this program. Yes, the course you select should be relevant with your previous education and work experience if any, However, one must also check the future prospects of the course. Rest harsh has mentioned about payment option. Under SPP (which you must opt considering you are eligible to apply under SPP) purchasing GIC for 10,000 CAD covering your living cost for a year where you will face issue as banks usually don't transfer funds to GIC as you are the beneficiary. So you can pay total tuition fee out of your loan amount and check with your bank if they can help you with GIC. In my case, I showed them CHC print outs mentioning GIC is mandatory and my bank was convinced to wire transfer funds (though I didn't take a loan, it was very much my own funds, yet they were hesitant to transfer funds due to money laundering issues). Hope it helps.