Hello fellow members, seeking an urgent guidence
I am an aspiring CEC candidate, but as you know ircc calculates months not dates to dates for Canadian experience, so as per my profile I started working in April -jul with one employer and then Aug - present with 2nd employer (seemingly no breaks) but in reality I started working with employer A, from 22nd April - 15th July and with second employer 6th Aug - present in which I had 3 weeks maternity leaves as well. In reality I am 3 months behind to complete one my year of cec wheras ircc considering only months has updated my score for cec and made me cec eligible at the 11th month (march) I know at this point of time if I get the cec ITA I can’t apply as I don’t fulfil cec criteria, what should I do ? Should I remove my Canadian experience from profile for now and add once eligible, and stay on low scores to be able to receive the invite if low score hit or any category based? Could that be a misrepresentation or just leave the profile as is? Please guide
I am an aspiring CEC candidate, but as you know ircc calculates months not dates to dates for Canadian experience, so as per my profile I started working in April -jul with one employer and then Aug - present with 2nd employer (seemingly no breaks) but in reality I started working with employer A, from 22nd April - 15th July and with second employer 6th Aug - present in which I had 3 weeks maternity leaves as well. In reality I am 3 months behind to complete one my year of cec wheras ircc considering only months has updated my score for cec and made me cec eligible at the 11th month (march) I know at this point of time if I get the cec ITA I can’t apply as I don’t fulfil cec criteria, what should I do ? Should I remove my Canadian experience from profile for now and add once eligible, and stay on low scores to be able to receive the invite if low score hit or any category based? Could that be a misrepresentation or just leave the profile as is? Please guide