HI guys I have question reagrding section 10 of check list for CEC
it is said that " You must provide proof of qualifying work experience including"
" Employer reference letters for all periods of qualifiying work experience you identify in your application"
does this mean that Empolyer reference letter has to identifiy ONE YEAR WORK EXPERIENCE? eg(2013 5/1 to 2014 5/1)??
Since I got hired as permanent position May 1st 2013 and and I am still working there until present(I can prove by payment stubs)
MY Employment offer letter states I get hired 2013 May 1st as permanent position but not state one year time period work experience
Please help me guys!
Best Regard
it is said that " You must provide proof of qualifying work experience including"
" Employer reference letters for all periods of qualifiying work experience you identify in your application"
does this mean that Empolyer reference letter has to identifiy ONE YEAR WORK EXPERIENCE? eg(2013 5/1 to 2014 5/1)??
Since I got hired as permanent position May 1st 2013 and and I am still working there until present(I can prove by payment stubs)
MY Employment offer letter states I get hired 2013 May 1st as permanent position but not state one year time period work experience
Please help me guys!
Best Regard