I have some doubts to verify CAS(Client Application STatus) on cic.gc.ca website. I am afraid that "cic.gc.ca" website don't update all CAS applicants regularly. Previously, my application was showing,
"In Process"
Centralized Intake Office Sydney (CIO-S) Eligibility Review Complete
Now, Since few days, it is showing Application Received!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! only.
Seems very strange.!!!! Can anyone put some light on this issue?
I have some doubts to verify CAS(Client Application STatus) on cic.gc.ca website. I am afraid that "cic.gc.ca" website don't update all CAS applicants regularly. Previously, my application was showing,
"In Process"
Centralized Intake Office Sydney (CIO-S) Eligibility Review Complete
Now, Since few days, it is showing Application Received!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! only.
Seems very strange.!!!! Can anyone put some light on this issue?