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Cap Reached for Canadian Experience Class Program: Applicants Must Now Use Expre


Full Member
Jan 7, 2015
February 3, 2015 – Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) has indicated that the cap for the Canadian Experience Class (CEC) stream was reached on October 20, 2014. The Canadian Experience Class stream accepted 8,000 applications for Permanent Residency between May 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014. Despite reaching the cap in October, CIC did not update their website to reflect that the program was effectively closed.

With the impending launch of Express Entry - Canada’s new application management system – in January of this year, applications surged as applicants rushed to be considered for Permanent Residency under the old rules.

Who is affected?

All applicantions for Permanent Residence through the Canadian Experience Class stream received after October 20, 2014 are affected. Applicants through the Provincial Nominee Program and Federal Skilled Worker/Trades programs are not currently affected



Star Member
Jan 7, 2015
Yes, CEC applicants who sent applications after 20 Oct 2014 are all affected and refused.
The information is 100% true, because I am affected and I received my CEC application back.
It is only about CEC, FSW/FST/PNP are different. PNP does not have any caps at all, while other 3 programs are under EE only now.