Hi guys,
heres my marriage story.
ok here we go
our story started on JANuary 16. my mum and her mum arranged the meeting. We talked for a while and i liked her. i have met so many girls before..of course my mum arranged it but this girl was different.
anyways i wanted to see her again so i asked my mum to arranged one more meeting on jan 18th..i went to see her in the morning..and i decided she was the one i was looking for.
we arranged the engagement party the next day and i asked for the marriage date soon cuz i didnt have much time. i had to get back to wrk and as well my brother. i had permission to extend the vacation from my manager but my brother didnt so we went for the jan 25.
now i extended my vacatin up to march 9th. we stayed together..enjoyed and i left on 9th march.
she didnt have her passport ready so we applied for it and god damn it took 4 months
freaking india...its not india its the indians...always need take forever to do anything.
she jsut got her passport and i have paper wrk ready to send and i was looking for couple of answers and i found this beautiful website.
ok heres the sad story.
i cant live without her. i am missing her so much. i can literally kill my self...i dunt knw if guys cry for their wife but i did today..and i m not ashamed to say that cuz i luv her from bottom of my heart.
i came very close to book a flight and go back to india. then sumthing hit my mind...VISIT VISA
can she apply for a visit visa? how long wud it take? can i apply for PR once she arrive her?
now i already paid $1040 online.. can i use the same money later on when i apply for her PR?
i cant live without her. please sum1 help.
if i go back to india tomorrow.. CAN I APPLY FOR HER PR from india?
what are my choices?
thanx everyone for your time.
heres my marriage story.
ok here we go
our story started on JANuary 16. my mum and her mum arranged the meeting. We talked for a while and i liked her. i have met so many girls before..of course my mum arranged it but this girl was different.
anyways i wanted to see her again so i asked my mum to arranged one more meeting on jan 18th..i went to see her in the morning..and i decided she was the one i was looking for.
we arranged the engagement party the next day and i asked for the marriage date soon cuz i didnt have much time. i had to get back to wrk and as well my brother. i had permission to extend the vacation from my manager but my brother didnt so we went for the jan 25.
now i extended my vacatin up to march 9th. we stayed together..enjoyed and i left on 9th march.
she didnt have her passport ready so we applied for it and god damn it took 4 months
she jsut got her passport and i have paper wrk ready to send and i was looking for couple of answers and i found this beautiful website.
ok heres the sad story.
i cant live without her. i am missing her so much. i can literally kill my self...i dunt knw if guys cry for their wife but i did today..and i m not ashamed to say that cuz i luv her from bottom of my heart.
i came very close to book a flight and go back to india. then sumthing hit my mind...VISIT VISA
can she apply for a visit visa? how long wud it take? can i apply for PR once she arrive her?
now i already paid $1040 online.. can i use the same money later on when i apply for her PR?
i cant live without her. please sum1 help.
if i go back to india tomorrow.. CAN I APPLY FOR HER PR from india?
what are my choices?
thanx everyone for your time.