I was in a company and I had two positions in that company but I got one letter of experience in which both my jobs and the duration of each are mentioned.
I am concerned if I need to use two NOC and what NOC I should choose?I appreciate your help!
I worked as a Logistics analyst supply chain industry:
Some of my duties are as follows.
-Generating monthly reports
-Conducted Analysis and creating action plans
-Prepared backorder reports
-supporting customers
-UAT testing
-scheduling emails
My second jobs is Pricing Analyst:
-Report preparation
-checking pricing and matching invoices with pre-invoices and fix discrepancies
-pricing adjustments
-system maintenance
Thank you so much
I was in a company and I had two positions in that company but I got one letter of experience in which both my jobs and the duration of each are mentioned.
I am concerned if I need to use two NOC and what NOC I should choose?I appreciate your help!
I worked as a Logistics analyst supply chain industry:
Some of my duties are as follows.
-Generating monthly reports
-Conducted Analysis and creating action plans
-Prepared backorder reports
-supporting customers
-UAT testing
-scheduling emails
My second jobs is Pricing Analyst:
-Report preparation
-checking pricing and matching invoices with pre-invoices and fix discrepancies
-pricing adjustments
-system maintenance
Thank you so much