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Canadian wanting to visit american husband while paper work is being processed?


Apr 11, 2010
Hi there

I am a Canadian woman, and I am married to an American man since Aug 16 2008. WE only put the paper work for my green card in a year ago.....we were not sure at the time where we wanted to live. Anyway We have 3 kids 6 year old, 2 year old and a new born. I am not sure of the immigration rules regarding my visiting him while my paperwork is pending for my green card. WE decided to do the paper work ourselves to save money, so I don't have the luxury of asking a lawyer. I am currently on 1 year maternity leave from my job and I would like to spend it with my husband in the US until my paper work is completed. I am planning to send mine and my kids personal belongings down to the US with movers or with a UHaul attached to my car, but I am now hearing contradictory opinions regarding if I am able to do this. I Plan to leave in 6 weeks and now I am panicking about what is going to happen once I get to the border. I don't want to hurt my chances of getting a green card later, but I don't want to be apart from my husband for this long either, especially since I am on maternity leave now.

So my questions are as follows

1. Am I allowed to legally enter the US while waiting to hear back from the US Consulate regarding my Green card?

2. What is the best option for moving our belongs to the US?

3. Will entering the US now, hurt my chances of getting a green card later?

Also should I allow my husband to drive my car and my belongs across the border with our Children and fly
to the US with my infant?

Please I need any and all relevant advice....

Thank you in advance!
