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Canadian wanting to marry a man from UK


Oct 1, 2009
I'm a Canadian Citizen. I want to marry a man from the UK here in Canada. We plan on living as well in Canada but I'm having difficulty finding out how I go about this to have it all legal in the simpliest and shortest way. If someone has been in the same situation I would appreciate any advise you can give me. If we get married ........how long is it before he can work in Canada ? Thanks!!!!


Hero Member
Oct 3, 2009
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April/May 2011
All you need to do is go to CIC (Canadian Immigration) official website and find the answers there. Based on what I know, you can sponsor your husband by showing you are lawfully wedded to him. It is very easy for Canadians who are married to foreigners to get their spouses to Canada. One last thing, try to consult an immigration lawyer. Sometimes, they are the best judge as to how to handle cases (especially if there are any complications involved). If it is a very straightforward case, you can apply on your own. Just make sure you have all the info before you get married to him.


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
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Start reading here: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/sponsor/spouse.asp

It's pretty straight forward but make sure you send good quality proof of your relationship. The most common reason sponsorships fail is because immigration questions whether the marriage is real or just for PR.

If you sponsor him outland through the UK, average time is around 5 months for him to have his PR. If you were to sponsor him inland, he would have his PR later, average 1 year or so but he would be eligible for an open work permit in about 6 months.


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
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Age is not a factor unless there is a huge age difference, say if one of you is 55 and the other 20, then it would raise a red flag with immigration and they'd look more closely if it looks like a real relationship or not.


Hero Member
Aug 17, 2009
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Hi smbsharon - it is generally a straightforward process. The forms can be tricky but if you read the guides you will be fine. Most people succeed faster without a lawyer although your circumstances may warrant otherwise.

Have a look at some of the threads in family class, and be aware that if you sponsor inland:

1. Your spouse will need to have been legally admitted to Canada for 12 months or more.
2. Inland means the spouse can apply for a work permit whilst waiting for PR decision.
3. Inland does not give you a right of appeal if your application is refused.

You can sponsor outland via London as your spouse is from the UK, or outland via Buffalo if your spouse has been legally admitted to Canada for 12 months or more.

1. No work permit whilst awaiting decision.
2. You do have appeal right if refused.
3. it is generally thought to be quicker.

Good luck.


Oct 1, 2009
Thanks for the info...If my boyfriend and I married in Canada...then he went back to the UK for maybe 6 months to sort out his affairs while I found somewhere for us to live...would we be able to start the process while he lives in the UK as he would like a work permit as soon as he decides to leave the UK for good ?