#Just put your school education.Avoid putting Msc, Bsc, Phd etc.
#Put your old jobs when you started from the bottom.
for example you are an IT sales manager now. But you were a IT sales guy once.
so put the IT sales guy in resume.
#Put your old voluntary jobs if any.
#Dont waste time now just applying for jobs. Start doing volunteering for charity etc asap.
That way you will not have career gaps and it will act as Canadian work experience.
#Finally when appying for minimum wage jobs employers dont care about your skills,resume etc or else they would have paid you 30$/hr.
Its also about luck as when its busy season and they need more employees they will hire you.
# Again you can try temp & staffing agencies but they will hump you left and right. You can do it for some time and get the work experience and then leave them. That way you can write something on resume.