Dear readers,
I have a question about citizenship. After one has lived 1095 days, is it okay to apply right after? How long does the process can take, please provide your best guess, given the following circumstances:
1-Applicant lived in USA prior to attaining 1095 days in Canada.
2 - During the time applicant was in Canada, there were frequent trips to USA for work, but will attain 1095 days within 4 years period.
3-can your application be processed faster depending on which postal code you apply from? for e.g. mississauga versus hamilton or windsor?
4-Can one leave the country after applying due to necessary personal/family circumstances, given that applicant has someone keeping an eye on the mail etc.
5-Having no property or assets in Canada has any impact on application?
6-What documents should one provide to prove residency and a solid case for quick processing, other than job letter, pay stubs, and tax papers.
Unlimited # of people have gained valuable knowledge from this forum and from some of the 5 star members. My sincere gratitude to all!!!
I have a question about citizenship. After one has lived 1095 days, is it okay to apply right after? How long does the process can take, please provide your best guess, given the following circumstances:
1-Applicant lived in USA prior to attaining 1095 days in Canada.
2 - During the time applicant was in Canada, there were frequent trips to USA for work, but will attain 1095 days within 4 years period.
3-can your application be processed faster depending on which postal code you apply from? for e.g. mississauga versus hamilton or windsor?
4-Can one leave the country after applying due to necessary personal/family circumstances, given that applicant has someone keeping an eye on the mail etc.
5-Having no property or assets in Canada has any impact on application?
6-What documents should one provide to prove residency and a solid case for quick processing, other than job letter, pay stubs, and tax papers.
Unlimited # of people have gained valuable knowledge from this forum and from some of the 5 star members. My sincere gratitude to all!!!