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canada immigration


Jul 27, 2009
I live in Uk at he moment and I applied for cananda immigration from uk . It was rejected with out they giving me any reason. i suspect that it could be because i applied for myself and my son and he resides in india and i in UK. its a year since this happend. Now I am planning to file a new application again can I file my application from UK but tell them that i am in india as i am planning to go back to india for good in 9 months time.

Do i also have to tell them that my application was rejected once.


VIP Member
Jul 27, 2009
luthia12nsay said:
I live in Uk at he moment and I applied for cananda immigration from uk . It was rejected with out they giving me any reason. i suspect that it could be because i applied for myself and my son and he resides in india and i in UK. its a year since this happend. Now I am planning to file a new application again can I file my application from UK but tell them that i am in india as i am planning to go back to india for good in 9 months time.

Do i also have to tell them that my application was rejected once.


VIP Member
Jul 27, 2009
luthia12nsay said:
I live in Uk at he moment and I applied for cananda immigration from uk . It was rejected with out they giving me any reason. i suspect that it could be because i applied for myself and my son and he resides in india and i in UK. its a year since this happend. Now I am planning to file a new application again can I file my application from UK but tell them that i am in india as i am planning to go back to india for good in 9 months time.

Do i also have to tell them that my application was rejected once.

Sorry about that. Yes you have to tell them that you filed before and it was rejected (there is a question that asks this in the application form). What in the immigration categories are you applying for?


VIP Member
Jul 27, 2009
luthia12nsay said:
am applying for high skilled. am afraid if i apply again and say it was rejected they may reject it again.
CIC has a record of who applied, when, where. Information is in the database including the actions taken on the application/s. They may or may not reject your new application, depending on what new data you are submitting. Also, it depends on what grounds your previous application was rejected. If the grounds/reasons for the rejection of your application had been addressed, then by all means start your application again. All the best.


Jul 27, 2009
Now I am planning to file a new application again can I file my application from UK but tell them that i am in india as i am planning to go back to india for good in 9 months time.

i am afraid if i change the detials of job description will they try to match it withthe previous record as I have made some changes.