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Can we report this to the police or immigration?

Aug 31, 2018

Just need an advise as this is the first time this happened to us and we are not sure if we can report this as a "fraud" to immigration.

My uncle's cousin, let's name him "RICK", is currently living illegally here in Canada together with his wife and a son. All of them came here as a tourist and no planned of going back home.

Rick pretended to sell his land back home to my uncle and asked my uncle for $5,000 as a down payment. My uncle, is the kindest person I've known, and because of my uncle soft heart, despite all the evilness Rick did to my aunt (my uncle's wife), my uncle still agreed to buy the land so that he could help rick. The reason why Rick wanted to sell the land so that he could pay his immigration consultant who is going to help him to have a legal status here in Canada and this immigraiton consultant is asking for $20K.

Because my uncle felt bad for Rick, despite all the disrespect Rick showed to my aunt, my granddad and grandmom, my uncle still agreed to buy the land and give him the down payment.

We all now found out that the land was already sold to someone else too. Adn that this Rick guy just received the payment through western last friday. So this Rick guy made a fool out of my uncle. My uncle was so upset to Rick. And all Rick said was through text was "Just go to sleep. Tomorrow your anger will be gone".

My question is, can my Aunt and Uncle report this Rick guy to immigration as a fraud? Normally it's not in our family to report illegal immigrants and we just mind our own business. But this Rick guy ripped my uncle off and now my uncle wants the $5k back but Rick already paid it off to the immigration consultant.

So can we report this to the police as well?

Thank you for your time and help.


VIP Member
Jun 18, 2017
Would also add that hopefully IRCC and CBSA will finally taeget some of these consultants and business owners who are also getting rich by committing immigration fraud. Agree that you should not feel bad reporting someone who is misrepresenting themselves.
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Champion Member
Apr 28, 2019
Selling something you don't own is fraud, which should be a criminal offence. You should contact the local law enforcement and check, if it can constitute as a valid claim and help you retrieve the money your uncle paid to his cousin.

As BS65 said, immigration would be interested in knowing if someone is in Canada illegal and I believe you should report them, because, they are not just illegals, looking out for a better life, but illegal's with criminal mindsets, searching for new targets.