Have you seen the publication ip08 (available on CIC's website)?
There is a section (Appendix H) that details the public policy for someone deemed to have a Lack of Status, which might be helpful for you, but...
it does show this:
“Lack of status” does not refer to any other inadmissibilities including:
• failure to obtain permission to enter Canada after being deported.
• persons who have entered Canada with a fraudulent or improperly obtained passport, travel
document or visa and who have used the document for misrepresentation under IRPA.
NOTE: For greater certainty, persons will be excluded from being granted permanent residence under
this public policy if they used a fraudulent or improperly obtained passport, travel document or visa to gain
entry to Canada and this document was not surrendered or seized upon arrival and the applicant used
these fraudulent or improperly obtained documents to acquire temporary or permanent resident status.
Other cases may be refused for misrepresentation if there is clear evidence of misrepresentation under
IRPA in accordance with the Department’s guidelines.
• persons under removal orders or facing enforcement proceedings for reasons other than the
above-noted lack of status reasons.
NOTE: Most persons who are under a removal order or facing enforcement proceedings are eligible for
initial consideration under the public policy as they meet the criteria in R124... They cannot however
receive a positive final decision or acceptance of their case (i.e., grant of permanent residence) as they
will be found inadmissible in the step two examination of their case.
I hope that I'm wrong, but that seems to say that if proceedings have begun before you have submitted your application, you would not be approved for PR, but since your removal order would not be based on anything OTHER THAN your `above-noted' lack of status, maybe this wouldn't apply to you after all.
Again, all the more reason to get your application in ASAP! There have been others here that have had less time and have managed to get their applications submitted. Yes, it seems overwhelming but you CAN do it. Believe in yourself!!