patel1992 said:
Hi,how to calculate GPA from percentages?
Don't worry about it, Most colleges are not bothered about your marks. But those Universities/ College programmes which look for GPA, usually their min requirement is B average or 70%. And some ask for 3.0 GPA. GPA in North American educational institutes are usually out of 4.0 So, say if u have 70%, than 70/100 * 4 = 2.8 so if you scored 70%, then ur GPA is 2.8/ 4.0
Alternatively, say if the college asks for 2.33 GPA as admission requirement, then your percentage should be, 2.33/4.0 *100 = 58.25% (throughout average).
This is the standard and most simplest way of converting GPA to percentage and vice versa.
Although, certain colleges may have their own methods of calculating GPA from your percentage, and it will be the ultimate decision of the admissions comitee of that Univ. as to how they calculate/convert.
Hope it clears your query.
Others are welcome to add.