I'm a dual citizen moving back to Canada (after living in the USA for about 24 years). In 2012, I got a green cheek conure from a breeder in Texas. He has never had health problems, been around other parrots, etc. I stopped at the border to ask what I needed to do to bring him with me and they gave me a short form called an "Importer's Declaration of Ownership" and said to just fill that out on the day I cross with him. But, now I'm freaking out because I'm reading all these things online about export permits and import permits but at the same time the Canadian government website says I can bring a pet parrot in without further permit if he has been in my possession for more than 90 days (he has lived with me for 5 years).
Should I worry? Parrots are very emotionally sensitive and I fear that, if I'm not able to bring him home to Canada with me, he will end up self-mutilating.
Should I worry? Parrots are very emotionally sensitive and I fear that, if I'm not able to bring him home to Canada with me, he will end up self-mutilating.