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Born in UK, Living in Spain, want to live in canada... advise.


Jun 21, 2009
Hi Guys,

I currently live in barcelona, spain with my soon to be wife and our 3 month old girl. we have lived in spain for 8months now and are really enjoying it, however, we have both always had our hearts set on living in canada.

I am currently working as an IT analyst but only at the lowest level and my partner is currently a stay home mother. My Partner has an aunt and uncle who lives in vancouver, other than that the rest of our family live in UK. We would like to stay in Calgary or that area and are prepared to spend the next few years working towords that goal but i do not see any options as neither of us are skilled workers or have immediate family in canada. I also believe i could enter USA if i could get a job and employer who would sponcer me but it would appear the nearest canada option is a temp work visa.

We understand that our options are thin (and thats being generous) but would like some advise on where to start as we are keen to work hard over the next few years to acheive this goal.

Any advise is greatly appreciated, Thanks



VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
Job Offer........
If you can get a temporary work permit in Canada for a skilled job, that will open up immigration options such as staying in that job for 2 years and then applying under CEC or getting sponsored by employer under PNP. It's hard to get a job without being there though. Maybe you should visit aunt and uncle, travel around a bit, do interviews, see if aunt and uncle have any connections etc.