Quote from ppt.gc.ca
An e-passport is known also as biometric passport.
According to Canada Passport website Canada's new enhanced ePassport will be available to all Canadians as of July 1, 2013. It looks like a traditional passport book, but it contains an electronic chip that is encoded with the same information found on page 2 of the passport (surname, given name, date of birth, place of birth and gender). It also includes a digital picture of the bearer's face. Considered to be the gold standard of travel documents, ePassports contain an electronic chip that enhances the passport's current security features.
Some 95 countries, including the United States, France and the United Kingdom, are already issuing ePassports.
thanks for informations. My concern is that friend of mine is considering asylum in canada but he has biometric passport of some other country. I would like to know if his record of entry into Canada will known to Canadian immigration authority? thanks for the help..