Your employer needs to be a BC employer to be eligible.
The requirements for being considered a BC employer are as follows:
General Employer Requirements
Your employer must meet specific requirements in order to support your BC PNP application. The onus is on your employer to demonstrate that these requirements are met. Your employer may be required to provide financial statements or other documents as supporting evidence.
1) be established as an employer in good standing in B.C.
Your employer must be in good standing and must have one of the following business structures:
1. incorporated or extra-provincially registered OR
2. registered as a limited liability partnership in B.C. OR
3. an eligible public sector or non-profit employer
Your employer must be permanently established in B.C., as defined by the federal Income Tax Act.
Your employer must have operated in B.C. for at least one year (two years if you are registering under the Entry Level and Semi-Skilled category, including employment in the Northeast Development Region of B.C.)
2) have indeterminate, full-time employees
If your employer is located within the Greater Vancouver Regional District, your employer must have at least five indeterminate, full-time employees (or full-time equivalents) in B.C.
If your employer is located outside of the Greater Vancouver Regional District, your employer must have at least three indeterminate, full-time employees (or full-time equivalents) in B.C
There is a lot more at this link: