Payment method options
Complete the Fee Payment Form – Application for Permanent Residence (IMM 5620) and include it with your application to the CIO. On-line payments are not accepted by the CIO.
In Canadian funds only, you may pay
by certified cheque, bank draft or money order made payable to the “Receiver General for Canada.” or
with a credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express)
Note: Certified cheques, bank drafts and money orders may have expiry dates. When you submit your application to the CIO, the expiry date must be at least five months into the future.
If there is no expiry date on your certified cheque, money order or bank draft and it is drawn on a foreign bank, it can only be cashed for 6 months from the date of issue. To ensure it can still be cashed when the fee payment is processed at the CIO, it must be issued no more than 30 days before you send your application to the CIO.
If you are paying by credit card, please ensure that your credit card will be valid for at least nine months from your submission date.
If we are unable to process your payment, your application will be returned to you.