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Bachelor of psychology continue study master's of art?


Feb 17, 2020
hello everyone,

I am 30 years old, IELTS 6.5, and I am bachelor of Clinical Psychology. I've worked as teacher in an autistic rehabilitation center and a preschool for about 3 years. It's been a year since I got interested in baking and I've started to make cookies and pastries at home and I take orders from people through out the Instagram.

What I want to do is to apply in a post graduate program in college related to what I do now, return to my country afterwards and start my own business. Is it OK to continue studying a totally different field while my bachelor's degree is Psychology? I don't want to take the risk of being rejected by the officer.

Additional information: I have multiple visitor visa which is valid till 2023 and I've traveled there twice.Also, there would be 7 years gap between my studies.

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