Hello Master7,
Let me see if this can help you...
I was working in the company for 6 months by the time that I applied..
-Is your occupation under pressure or in high demmand? I am aware that application that are not, they will not be approved?
I applied as quality control technician, and the occupation was not high demand. the perspective were the demand equal offer.
-Did your employer have to prove he advertised your position and actively try to recruit someone locally? if so what kind of proof was submitted?
Yes, the employer sent a recommendation letter explaining the process to hiring me, how many people were interviewing and the reason to choose me, very nice explained. Nothing else.. But i was working there, I don't know if they have to adv your position for 3 week in any public recruiter. Check this.
-Company information - Provide a brief profile of business activities.
What exactly do they want here? How was your case handled in regards of this question? Basically... letter explaining, Vision, Mision, products and activities..
-Recomendation letter - What points are highlighted here? and how long should this be? for me 3 pages, important highlight your qualities WHY THEY NEED YOU, WHY THEY CHOOSE YOU NO OTHER..
APLICATION CHECKLIST: http://www.welcomebc.ca/local/wbc/docs/immigration/come/strategicoccupations_application_checklist.pdf
I hope this work!!! Anything else you can contact me...
Regards Y-R