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Applying for Work Permit at Canadian Port of Entry


Jan 16, 2015
I'm a U.S. citizen who appears to meet the requirements to apply for a work permit at a Canadian port of entry (spouse of international student, no TRV or LMO required). A lot of the documentation from CIC indicates that I can apply for my work permit at the border. For those who have applied for a work permit at the port of entry, did this mean they issued the work permit to you the same day you applied?


VIP Member
Apr 25, 2013
Visa Office......
Inland / Previously Pak
NOC Code......
jakeh666 said:
I'm a U.S. citizen who appears to meet the requirements to apply for a work permit at a Canadian port of entry (spouse of international student, no TRV or LMO required). A lot of the documentation from CIC indicates that I can apply for my work permit at the border. For those who have applied for a work permit at the port of entry, did this mean they issued the work permit to you the same day you applied?
They issue it to you right there and then. It is just a colored print out with CIC logo. You won't exit immigration without receiving it and you should spend time there first verifying everything on it is correct. If a mistake is found, they might be able to fix it there. Otherwise you have to apply and pay a hefty fee (i guess it was 1500 CAD) for fixing a mistake latter and wait significantly.

CIC assumes a mistake in work permit is always your fault.