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applying for a citizenship certificate - changing name


Mar 27, 2016
hello everyone,

I'm applying for acitizenship certificate for my son, who's just born in China. I wish to put an English first name on the certificate, which isn't shown on his birth certificate in Chinese.

It says in the Guide:"
Name change
This section applies to you if:
  • you’re applying for your first citizenship certificate and the name you wish to appear on your citizenship certificate is different than the name on your birth certificate
Consult the information below to determine the documents that are to be included with your application:
- If you have legally changed your name within Canada
- If you have legally changed your name outside Canada and are residing in Canada
- If you have legally changed your name outside Canada and are residing outside Canada

But the thing is, I can't legally change his name into an English one in China, nor can I change his name in Canada without obtaining the citizenship ceitificate first.

Does anyone have an idea how name change is done under this circumstance? Thank you all.