Need advise from all members, especially senior members. In light of the the fact that the NOC is under review should we be applying now or waiting till it is announced.
My point is this: I am eligible to apply now and qualify under 0213. However last time the changes were announced in Nov 2008 but were applied retrospectively to all applications from Feb 2008 onwards.
If this happens now, my application might get dis-qualified and I will need to start the process all over again, so isn't it better to wait for some time and be sure about the changes so that I can apply if I am still eligible.
I have read other threads where members have commented that once you submit the application it is locked and is processed under the rules applicable at that time, my question is then how were the Nov 2008 changes applied to all applications since Feb 2008.
Maybe I am not understanding fully, request advise from you.
My point is this: I am eligible to apply now and qualify under 0213. However last time the changes were announced in Nov 2008 but were applied retrospectively to all applications from Feb 2008 onwards.
If this happens now, my application might get dis-qualified and I will need to start the process all over again, so isn't it better to wait for some time and be sure about the changes so that I can apply if I am still eligible.
I have read other threads where members have commented that once you submit the application it is locked and is processed under the rules applicable at that time, my question is then how were the Nov 2008 changes applied to all applications since Feb 2008.
Maybe I am not understanding fully, request advise from you.