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Applied for Citizenship from US


Oct 24, 2019
Hi everyone,

I recently applied for Citizenship in late September from the US. I was visiting there for around 5 months to care for my ill father and have since returned to Canada (with the intent to stay here indefinitely). I had already met the residency requirement in Canada (1,166 days) at the time of applying, and since I was able to procure all of my application materials while there, I went ahead and sent the application thinking it was better to apply sooner rather than later.

However, I discovered this site only after I sent it, and seeing some threads here about the dreaded Residence Questionnaire and its potential to delay processing (up to 48 months in some cases) has me a bit worried...

I mentioned in my application that I was applying from the US and also stated that I was planning to return to Canada soon thereafter. I also gave my Canadian address as my home and mailing address. After coming back, I have already gone ahead and notified IRCC of my return to Canada (and my intent to remain here) through the online web form (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/contacts/web-form.asp).

My questions are:
- Is there anything further I can provide/explain to IRCC to avoid the RQ?
- If I do receive the RQ, how much will it delay me by?

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